A1 papers and custom declaration
When placing an order, we need in addition to work and residence permits (if non-EU employees are used), current liability insurance (must also apply to the country!), Name list (first and last name, birthday, nationality) and training certificates. Also, A1 papers and a customs declaration.
A1 paper – A1 certificate
For workers from EU countries, the social insurance obligation of the worker must be met from the sending state. This applies to up to 24-month secondments. Therefore, the existing insurance must be proven using the so-called A1 certificate – for each worker individually. The A1 certificate thus proves that the employee is insured, and which social system is responsible for him. So, you can also avoid that social security contributions are calculated simultaneously in two EU countries.
Where do you get the A1 certificate?
The A1 certificate must be completed by the responsible insurance carrier in the sending state.
Customs declaration of minimum wage
The obligation to report follows the German Minimum Wage Act, which provides for the observance of a specific minimum wage.
Before being used, the foreign subcontractor must report to the Domestic Deployment in Germany. This can be done online in the Minimum Wage reporting portal: Employers can use the portal to submit the applications of workers to be sent to Germany. For this is only a one-time registration and a user account necessary.
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